Comment history with stormbringer
Displaying 21 - 40 of 51 comments

Aw thank you!! I'm using it as soon as I get the msg...Im sending yours as soon as I fix up something in the banner ^ ^!
I'm Done! I sent it to you in a message! I LOVE IT! I'm so jealous you get to use it :( BUT YOU'RE WORTH IT!
Lolz that's ok buddy ^ ^!
Lmao Oh xD..well maybe the weather is better there than here!!..hehe
PS-oh snap,i dont like the lyt i made..redo!
ZOMG! I'm almost finished with the layout, just give me one more day! SORRY! Anyways, I live in socal, so it's probably warm everywhere else in the world but cold to us so californians! haha!
Hey Buddy!..How Are You Doing?! if it's cold over there,stay warm!..well anyways,I made the lyt(exchange)...and well just give me a call(lol cmnt) when you get back on..ok?!..PS-no rush!..I just had extra time now :3
Oh Okay Than :)...I agree,it has..I think i'll delete my account in a year or so..idk.
Lol,alright than :D...THAT'S COOL!..THANK YOU ^.^..!
Uh,were you going to say something after ",I"?!
yeahyeah, cb layout (myspace has gotten...weird... over the past few years. =[ ) I'm fine with anything you like, since I'm just gonna make a layout that I think you like (or that I would like), I
Lol,No I an Not(thought ppl say I should be honest,I wouldn't make it 1 day -_-')!..
OH SAME HERE!!!...Im the B's and some A's person,but THE HIGH SCORE PPL!...omg,they have an A,be happy!!!!...It's kindof hard to get a 100!...Gosh!..But whoa..that's a high report sheet O.O!..if I only I could xP...oh well,enough of that...
*looks @ clothes website*...ouch,those prices hurt my little wallet X.X! I see what You mean by marked up...!..but they're SO cute!!!..I must save up than :P
Aw cool,that's nice :)!..I might start making the lyt,hopefully I have some time,but maybe not(is busy)...sorry bout that!...Oh,do you think we can exchange in December?..just in case...OH AND may I ask,what do you like?...lolz do you like Jrock ^ ^'?!...haha im horrible in making something for a person,when idk what they like or dislike,so that's why...and is it ok if it's a CB lyt?(becuz,my lazy self has not got the hang of myspace coding :P).
haha.. Are you in IB? DUDE, in my school, it's all about school. I'm not even kidding, people at my school go like: OMGGGG I ONLY GOT A 98% I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIGHER!! and everybody else is just like 0_o. okk, thanks for making me feel like shit jerkface. Well, at least I do that. When I see some softmore who has straight A+'s. his grade sheet looks like this -> A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A-A+A+A+A+A+. Seriously. Ok [/rant]. lol. I would actually love to get some clothes from, but I can't afford any of it! :[ (their stuff is sooo marked up) Anyways, Great! I'll probably start making a layout this weekend! Lets choose a day to exchange layouts!
(btw, are you a junior? I've always wondered...)
Welcome :)..and aw why?!..I think it's cool/cute +.+! I see...haha we have IB classes,and gosh,they seem hard -_-'!..atleast you decided to take challenging classes...I chickened out :P
LMAO,wow..i wonder about those "happy" teachers xD jk.
OH YES I AM!..haha I saved up some $$$,just for the day that's cool :)...but aw,that stinks...hopefully it's easy,and you get it done quickly(or you already finished it :3).
aww THANKS! (everybody hated my current profile layout D: ) Well, sophmore year was a little easier cause I was only taking one AP class, this year I'm taking 4. Geometry's weird, I had the oddest teacher for it (she was too happy) haha. Anyways, so you excited for black friday? I KNOW I AM! haha I spent the entire weekend at honor choir (more super happy people... I am so uncompatible!) jk, but now I have a LOT of homework. HEY, I KNOW! Lets do a holiday layout exchange! that sounds really fun to me! what do you think?
Aw,I hope it gets better towards the end!..Lol was Sophmore year easier?..and OH NO,don't get sick!...that won't be cool :(
Aw that's great..yayz :D..I wish you luck ^ ^!
IM DOING GOOD!!..(except in geometry,but it's not bad)..Im trying to stay's getting cold here X.X!..and aw thanks hun ; wait,my profile lyts or lyts i submitted?...oh nevermind,I think you're talking about my profile xP..I MUST SAY,YOUR LYTS ARE SO UNIQUE,and CREATIVE(and cute too ^.^)..Good Job on That!
Oh,are you off for Thanksgiving?..
PS-that little elephant @ the bottom is VERY cute ^.^
HEYY!!*hugs* I'm having the worst time at school (junior year). I hate everything... well, mostly everything and I'm getting a little sickish. ]: Anyways, on friday I get to go to all so cal honor choir, so i'm excited for that, except I haven't practiced any of my songs. HOW ARE YOU??! (I swear, your layouts are getting prettier and prettier!)
aw,thank You :)!..
That's Nice!..LMAO,what a difference(indeed) xD. fun :(..idk,something about the 1st day..goes to slow/boring :T!..
Lol,oh nothing much..I finally finished my school-shopping(it's scary out there in the stores xP)today!But next time,I'll plan ahead earlier xD.
HEYYY! nice layout yourself! I just came back from vacation to the south. It really is different there from Southern Cali, it's a lot more peaceful and you don't have a billion people going I'M GONNA GET THAT 100% OR I'M GONNA DIE. ASSDLFKISJFLKAJSDSLDKFJH!!
Yeah, school starts tomorrow. :/ Anyways, whats up?
Hi Storm!..How Are You?!..Hope you're having a great summer :)
ps-cute site o^.^o!
Thank You ;D!
Why,yes it did..haha Same Here ^ ^!..Aww that suxs =P!!
Haha,I bet you do!
~take care~
wow, pretty layout!:]
Thanks, I hope your fourth of july went well too. I saw some fireworks, then got lost and then came home and did 4 hrs of homework. D: I feel absoultely dead. XD